Thursday, July 8, 2010

7/9 Cannabis News - Medical Marijuana, Marijuana News, Hemp, Cannabis

Time To Answer Concerns To Advance MJ Reform
July 8, 2010 at 9:39 PM

Seattle, WA — It’s 0-3 this year for removing criminal penalties for possessing or selling marijuana for non-medical purposes. In the last session, the Washington state Legislature killed a bill to legalize marijuana. Another bill to reclassify possession as a civil infraction rather than a misdemeanor achieved a “do pass” [...]

C.A. NAACP Chief Criticized for Backing Pot Prop.
July 8, 2010 at 5:00 PM

San Jose — The president of the NAACP’s California chapter said Wednesday she will not falter in her support of an initiative to legalize marijuana despite criticism from some religious leaders who have called on her to resign her post at the civil rights organization. Alice Huffman said she would [...]

Watch Two And A Half Men Episodes Online

One of the reasons why you may want to know how you can watch Two and a Half Men episodes online is that you want to closely follow this sit-com but you cannot just do so because you are not always at home. Indeed, there are a lot of people who have become hooked to this very popular CBS show. With the hedonistic arrogance of Charlie Sheen, the failures of Jon Cryer, and the underachieving of John Angus, this is definitely a sit-com that you should never miss.

It is actually very easy to watch Two and a Half Men episodes online because the only thing that you really need to do is to look for a site that will allow you to do so. The internet can provide you with a lot of options that you can choose from but you just need to make sure that you are going to pick a good one.

One of the things that you should consider if you want to watch Two and a Half Men episodes online is the comprehensiveness of the database. You should check if the databases include sit-com as a genre. It is also much better if the database includes clips all the way from the show's premier in 2003.

You should also never forget to check if the quality of the videos is satisfactory. This is very essential because there are some sites that feature videos that have a very poor quality.

There is also a need for you to consider the cost if you are planning to do this more frequently. Fortunately, there are some sites that can be accessed fore free. However, if you are aiming for a more effective service, the use of premium tools is more advisable.

You might also want to consider using a special hardware piece called a Tuner Card. This is actually very simple to use because you just need to install it through your PC. There is also a card that can be plugged in through the USB port.

But if you want to effectively watch Two and a Half Men episodes online, it is much better if you are going to download and install a satellite TV on PC software piece. This software is very beneficial as it is very extensive and affordable.

If you want to effectively and safely watch Two and a Half Men episodes online, you just need to remember and follow these very effective tips.

By Shawn Taylor

Affiliates Get Full Income

By Randy Roedl

Can you actually make an excellent profit online as an affiliate or do you actually need to have your own merchandise to make an excellent profit?

There is doubtless that having your own merchandise can be very profitable, especially if you are making revenue from backend merchandises, but it is also very possible to make a good revenue as an affiliate.There are several persons that make money online solely by promoting merchandises as an affiliate and quite a couple of them are making astonishing amounts of revenue.You can make a greater revenue as an affiliate marketer than you could make with an average 9 to 5 job.

Not everybody is able to make this kind of profit however, and it might not always be as simple as it sounds.To make an excellent profit as an affiliate you'll need to do some research. You will need to find out which merchandises convert well and what the best ways of advertising them are.You need to keep up to date with changes in merchandises and technology. The last thing you want to do is to keep promoting a merchandise long after it has ceased to exist or has become outdated.

To make good profit as an affiliate you also need to put a great deal of effort into it. As with any online company, you will only get out of it what you put into it. You will need to advertise your affiliate merchandises just as you would advertise the merchandise if it were your own merchandise.

The advantage to promote merchandises as an affiliate as opposed to having your own merchandises is that you don't have the initial setting up and creation of the merchandise. If you are not the sort of person who can write e-books easily or make software merchandises, then you will be fortunate in advertising other people's merchandises as an affiliate.

The advantage to promote products as an affiliate as opposed to having your own products is that you don't have the initial setting up and creation of the product. If you are not the sort of person who can write e-books easily or create software products, then you will be better off in promoting other people's products as an affiliate.Also by being an affiliate you don't have to worry about keeping your e-book up to date. E-book creators need to constantly keep up to date with their topic and update their e-books regularly.

By using marketing methods such as article marketing and e-book marketing, you can be very successful at promoting products as an affiliate. Article marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote affiliate products and you are not limited to just one product, you can use article marketing to promote a number of different products.Using Google Adwords is another popular way to promote affiliate products. There are costs involved in using Adwords for promotion however, so if choosing this method of promotion you will need to take your costs into account to make sure you will still profit from your sales.

E-mail marketing is another very effective way to advertise merchandises and as with most online companies you will be much more successful if you build yourself a mailing list that you can advertise to.As long as you put the effort into advertising your chosen affiliate merchandises then there is no reason why you can't make an excellent profit online doing so.

Why Men Use Russian Mail Order Brides

By Lera Cupidonova

Russian mail order brides is an idea that has been practiced for centuries and dates back many years. Most often it is a male from a rich country looking for a woman who comes from a poorer country. There are several ways that men and women connect with each other from different countries. Many men pursue the option of mail order brides and enjoy their decision. Find out what benefits they have and what made them do it in the first place.

Typically men who find mail order brides, are divorced and are tired of meeting women in their country. Often they just want to move on with their life and get married. Starting a family quickly may be on their mind as well. When they can look on the internet and pick out a girl from her profile page, it can be an easier way to meet a suitable match.

Internet dating takes the pressure off meeting someone new for men. When a man can go online and surf the net for a possible wife, it can be an easy way to meet someone new. Often there is some courting that takes place online before any arrangement is made.

Checking out available women is a task that most men enjoy. They like the fact that they can pick over several women and take there time finding the perfect match. There could be an exchange of several emails that these men look forward to receiving and sending.

When a man can use a mail order bride system, it can help them get married and have children faster. Sometimes men get to a certain point in their life, where they realize that they want a family, but do not want the hassle of looking for the right women around them, it can be time consuming and difficult. Finding a women from a far away country can prove to be very successful.

Often the women who are the mail order brides, look forward to meeting the man they are going to marry and find that they are different from the local men. They are usually pleased to move away and be with a man who they see as foreign. These women are pretty and display good personalities. Most men are quite pleased with their matches.

For a woman who was born and raised in poverty, she may see the marriage as a way to find financial freedom. She may enjoy the fact that her new husband has money to offer her security and peace of mind. It can be very attractive for a woman to meet a man who has a good stable job and income.

In the past, Russian mail order brides were not given much choice in who they could marry, however times have changed. Now women can exchange info with men online and marry someone that they enjoy talking to online. With agencies following new rules and the internet allowing for more communication, there is more reason for this type of service to be very successful. There is a higher success rate between mail order brides than there is for normal type marriage unions.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

7/8 Cannabis News - Medical Marijuana, Marijuana News, Hemp, Cannabis

Study: Legalized Pot Would Lower Prices, Raise Use
July 7, 2010 at 3:21 PM

California — Legalizing marijuana could cause the drug’s price to plummet while increasing use by an uncertain amount, according to a new study from a respected public-policy think tank. RAND Corp. researchers say known production costs and surveys of marijuana’s current price suggest the untaxed retail price of high-quality marijuana could [...]

L.A. County Moves To Ban Marijuana Dispensaries
July 7, 2010 at 10:04 AM

Los Angeles — The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors moved Tuesday to ban medical marijuana dispensaries in unincorporated areas of the county, which would cover areas with a population of 1.5 million people. The motion is the first step toward reversing the county’s 4-year-old policy on the dispensaries, which are [...]

Legalize, Regulate Marijuana
July 7, 2010 at 9:04 AM

Montana — There have been several alarming crimes in the news recently, reportedly linked to the burgeoning marijuana industry. The lurid headlines are leading some to believe that Montana’s medical marijuana system is broken or even hopeless. Clearly, some changes are needed. The ultimate fix, however, is eluding most coverage. Medical cannabis [...]

Slut Hunt. A game in the works.

Slut hunt is a game that my buddy and i have been working on just off and on for the past year or two. its just a little game where you have to shoot a slut. The game is hosted on one of my tester sites, link below.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Need a good weed brownie recipe

Need a good weed brownie recipe - Tranceaddict Forums: " fav....

ok, this is what i've done...i've done it twice and it works great

1)Buy a box of brownie mix from the store--make sure it uses oil b/c its easier to use than butter.
2)put your oil in a sauce pan....add weed. i used an oz. of schwag (ty weed), but i'd probably go 1/2 oz. of mid-grade, or 1/8th or 1/4 of good depending on how high you wanna get....cause pot brownies get you ed :)
3)put said oil and weed on the stove on LOW heat...i mean low b/c you don't wanna burn the weed...its gonna smell too so turn on a vent/open some windows/whatever.....cook about 15-30 min....i go about 30 min., but if you go on a little higher setting (not too high) you can reduce the time on the stove. FYI the reason you use the oil, and butter works too, is b/c THC is fat the fat in the oil/butter soak up the THC. ALSO, i've found it best to add a little extra oil in b/c you'll lose some oil on the leaves of the weed and you should make sure you get the amount of oil you need for the recipe.
4)after cooking the weed and oil,the oil should change color and be kinda green. seperate the leaves and/or buds from the oil.
5)follow the recipe on the box adding the weed oil.
6)sit back, wait about an hour to feel your buzz and then you're off to LA LA friend once wanted us to eat two within 20 min. b/c he didn't feel anything and, because he's a light weight, he got way ed up...but i kinda liked it.

hope this helps....just wanted to give as much help as i can b/c i know it can be a daunting task. PM me and let me know how they turned out.


(EDIT) i checked out DJ Nuclear's website...pretty much same thing i said, but check it out too....but, yeah...have fun"